The 9th annual Western North Carolina Yarn Crawl is here! We will be having extended hours, special yarns and accessories, sales and giveaways, as well as pop up shops by local indie dyers! For a list of all the shops involved and more info, check out the WNC Yarn Crawl website. Below are our hours, and the pop up shops who will be here. Please note, the indie dyers may not be here the whole time we are open every day, please call us (828-877-3550) to see what their hours will be:
Thursday: 10 am- 9 pm, Twist Fiber Studio
Friday: 10 am- 9 pm, Twist Fiber Studio
Saturday: 10 am- 9 pm, Spunky Sheep
Sunday: 10 am - 6 pm, Spunky Sheep